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kris aquino health

Kris Aquino is no stranger to the limelight. The queen of Philippine entertainment has been in the business for over 20 years, and her work continues to entertain millions of Filipinos around the world. But what many don’t know is that this beloved celebrity has been battling health issues since as early as 2008. Let’s take a closer look at Kris Aquino’s health journey.

Kris was first diagnosed with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) in 2008, which she bravely shared with the public in a series of heartfelt posts on Instagram in 2017. CSU is an autoimmune disorder characterized by sudden outbreaks of itchy hives on the skin due to an unknown trigger. It can be extremely uncomfortable and painful and can cause extreme fatigue—all of which are symptoms that Kris has experienced over the years.

In 2019, Kris revealed a new health battle—lupus nephritis, an autoimmune disease that affects your kidneys and can lead to serious complications if left untreated. She also revealed that she had been dealing with lupus for quite some time before it was finally diagnosed in 2018. Since then, she has taken to Instagram again to keep her fans updated on her progress and share words of encouragement to those who are also suffering from these conditions.

Kris has also started taking preemptive measures for her long-term health by making lifestyle changes such as eating better and exercising regularly. In addition, she frequently talks about how important it is to get regular check-ups so that any medical issues can be caught early on and treated properly. These steps demonstrate Kris’s commitment to managing her own health and setting a good example for others facing similar struggles.

Kris Aquino’s story shows us how important it is to stay aware of our own health—even when we’re busy with our everyday lives or working hard towards achieving our goals. Regular check-ups are just as important as exercise and diet when it comes to maintaining good physical health, especially if you have underlying medical conditions like lupus or CSU. We should all take cues from Kris’s journey and strive not only for success but also for a healthy lifestyle!

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