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tongue health chart

Our mouths are full of bacteria – some helpful, some not so much. It’s important that we keep our tongue clean and healthy, and brush twice a day as recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA). But with all the different products out there, it can be hard to know what to use and when. Here is a guide on how to maintain your oral health and hygiene.

Brushing Your Tongue

Brushing your tongue helps remove plaque and bacteria from your mouth. The ADA recommends brushing your tongue in a circular motion for 30 seconds twice a day – once in the morning and once at night. They also recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush or an antimicrobial toothbrush with special bristles designed to remove bacteria from your tongue. If you prefer, you can also use a tongue scraper specifically made for cleaning your tongue.

Flossing Your Teeth

Flossing is another important part of maintaining good oral hygiene. Flossing helps remove plaque build-up between teeth that brushing alone cannot reach. The ADA recommends flossing daily before brushing with toothpaste, as this will help loosen any stuck food particles that may have settled in between your teeth during the day. They also suggest using waxed dental floss for extra protection against gum disease.

Tongue Health Chart

Keeping track of your oral health is essential in maintaining good oral hygiene habits over time. A great way to do this is by creating a tongue health chart that records changes in color, texture, taste, or smell of your tongue over time. This will help you spot any potential issues early on and enable you to take action accordingly before they become worse or more difficult to treat. For example, if you notice any discoloration or white spots on your tongue, it could be an indication of an underlying issue such as thrush or oral cancer – both of which should be treated right away by a dentist or doctor!

Overall, keeping up with good oral health habits is key in preventing bad breath, cavities, gum disease, and other more serious issues like oral cancer down the road. Brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste as recommended by the ADA combined with regular flossing sessions will help keep your mouth clean and healthy over time. Additionally creating a tongue health chart can help you keep track of changes that may occur over time so you can take action quickly if need be!

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