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What You Need to Know About the Rapid Antigen Test Kit Now Available at Woolworths

Are you looking for a way to safely and quickly test for Covid-19? If so, you’ll be happy to know that Woolworths now stocks highly regarded rapid antigen test kit Woolworths. This means that you can get tested in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Here’s what you need to know about these new test kits before you buy one.

What Is a Rapid Antigen Test?

A rapid antigen test is a type of diagnostic test used to detect the presence of a specific antigen that is associated with an infectious organism. In this case, it is used to detect proteins on or within the virus that causes Covid-19. It can help determine if someone has been infected with the virus within three days of symptoms appearing.

Why Should I Get Tested?

Getting tested is important because it helps prevent the further spread of the virus by identifying people who may have been exposed but do not yet show any symptoms. This is especially true if you’re planning on traveling, attending a large gathering, or coming into contact with vulnerable individuals such as those over 75 years old or those with pre-existing health conditions. Testing also helps provide peace of mind if you’ve been exposed to someone infected and are worried about contracting the virus yourself.

How Does The Kit Work?

The kit contains everything needed to conduct a rapid antigen test at home including swabs, buffer solution, sample collection tubes, and an instruction manual. Simply swab your nostrils and place the sample into the collection tube, then add buffer solution and shake gently until mixed thoroughly. Finally, apply a drop of sample onto each well of the cassette device provided in the kit and wait 15 minutes for results. When complete, compare your results against the color chart included in package instructions according to manufacturer guidelines.

Rapid antigen testing is becoming increasingly popular as an easy and accessible way to stay safe during these uncertain times. With Woolworths stocking these essential test kits for sale at select locations across Australia, it’s never been easier or more affordable to get tested for Covid-19 from home! Be sure to read all instructions carefully before use for accurate results every time! And remember—testing regularly will help keep our communities safe from further transmission of coronavirus infections!

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